Welcome to Kagesh, A blog inspired by the love of God, family, and friends.
My love for God is unwavering. I am what I am and who I am because of His undying love for me. His Grace has always been sufficient to see me surmount the most unexpected obstacles.
My next love is undoubtedly my family. My charming and caring husband; my four beautiful, brilliant, loving and charming daughters; my responsible and focused sons-in-law and my grandchildren have always given me reason to magnify the Most High God. As a mother, nothing gives me more satisfaction than a genuinely happy and loving family. Our family is grounded firmly on unshakeable friendship among the family members. We all care for each other.
Love and Life
I get special satisfaction in farming: chicken, beekeeping, cows and growing all sorts of fruits: bananas, pawpaw, tree tomato, passion fruits, guavas, lemons, and mangoes. It’s all very interesting when any of the projects fails for one reason or other. We run some of the projects with any willing member of the family.
For example, we run the chicken project with my daughter Joan. We share the expenses and the proceeds. The rest of the family members cheer us on and humourously refer to us as shareholders. Occasionally they ask, “ How is the shareholding business?” We laugh about it and jokingly tell them that soon they would join us.
Severally, our chicken die and while some people tell us to give it up, we go immediately for more stock! When the chicken is doing well we decide to buy an incubator to hatch our own chicks. Then an ambitious get-rich-quick seller cons us of sweet money for 600 unfertilized eggs which we only discover after the three weeks of waiting for chicks and there is none. We still soldier on in the highs and lows of poultry farming and are now getting fertilized eggs from our own stock. What else would that be if not resilience? Very interesting indeed!
And the bees! Think of real natural pure uncontaminated honey direct from the hive and you’ll find it in our farm. Eat it and you’ll never ever go for any other. Yes! But guess what? Relocate the hives when the honey is being made and those bees will leave and you have to wait longer for the honey. The good thing about bees is that as long as you don’t attack them they do not attack. You can even sit and listen to their sweet buzzing around you. I love it.
As a teacher, I love the success of every child that passes through my hands. My more than thirty years of teaching have taught me that there are individual differences and children should be handled as such to enable them achieve their goals. Combined with my love for children, I decided to start Wika School, an Early Childhood Development centre in the home, so that I get to interact with them and help them discover, create and grow. My family has played a major role in the growth of the school which started in the garage.
Social Impact
Nothing gives me more pleasure than sharing what I have with the less fortunate members of the community. This includes giving clothes and food and even money when need be.
Apart from that I believe strongly in empowering girls and women and the youth. That is why I have actively helped women groups and youth groups in Shinyalu to grow through training them how to save with a purpose.
Since I value stability of marriage, I give marriage counseling and through this I have saved many marriages from breaking and couples are now enjoying happier marriages and I thank God for that.
All the above is never complete without participating fully in the Church. I am therefore at the forefront of raising funds to improve Churches and also in evangelization. This has enabled me to inculcate the same values in my children and grandchildren who never fail in fulfilling their religious obligations.
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